English is the most used and spoken language around the world. At least one out of 5 people can speak or
understand English

English is the official language of 57 countries around the world. You can instantly increase your ability to communicate with people from different countries and continents

English is the language used in business, science, and technology. Learning English will increase your chances to getٍٍ a job, participate in discussions, and improve your networking skills

English helps you increase your educational opportunities. When you learn English, you can attend international schools around the world and become better educated. You gain access to numerous English resources and increase your knowledge instead of getting lost in translation

Learning English is easier than learning some other languages like German, Chinese or Arabic. . Considering that is the most spoken language, the resources that someone can access in order to learn are multiple across the Internet. Nowadays there are so many options, from personalised online tutoring to digital applications l that will help you learn and improve your English

Learning English will help you understand different cultures, communicate with people from all over the world, and observe habits that are different from yours